23 August 2010

Hope I Don’t offend you but...

So lately I’ve gotten tired of a couple of things. First thing are people being afraid to present truth because they are afraid of offending people. To often Christians miss the chance to speak truth because they are afraid of offending people. We have to realize that the Gospel is offensive to people.

When people are faced with the fact that they are sinful, that they can not in their present state enter into the kingdom of God, it offends them. Why? Because people don’t like to be told they are wrong! It’s human nature. If I came up to you and said ‘Hey what you’ve been doing all your life is completely and utterly wrong,’ you’d be offended.

It happens, it’s part of life, you can’t be worried about it.

Now let’s flip this proverbial coin. One thing that I am highly annoyed with is people who take the excuse “Well the gospel is offensive and I’m just being real,” and use it, either knowingly or un-knowingly, to be a complete jerk. There is such a thing as tact.

I’m not in anyway saying that you should water down the truth; whether it’s the truth of the gospel of you bringing to light something that has been hidden. I’m just saying that there is a way of presenting the uncompromising truth that doesn’t have to make you (who represent Christ) sound like a jerk. (thus making Christ sound like a jerk) Let us not forget the words of Proverbs 15:1 “A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.”

True sometimes it’s hard to say things in an easy way and in those cases you just need to play it by ear. That being said there is no reason for you to go in and just drop the hammer on everyone just because you think you have the right. Christ did not call us to change the masses. He’s called us to allow the Holy Spirit to use us to change the masses.

I’m just saying there is a balance there. On one hand it’s time for Christians to step up and be what they claim to be. Stop making excuses as to why you sin. Just do it! At the same time, do not be one of those annoying ones who go around condemning everyone to hell even those who are in the trenches with you. Learn to speak the truth in love.

I’m just say’n…