30 March 2010

The Phrase

I don't really remember the first time i heard it. But it's been part of my life for years. Who knew that three simple words will change the way you thought and saw the world.

I remember very distinctly one instance where i first heard it. I was doing an internship at my church, The Healing Place. Our church had just gone through a remodel and had tons of bricks left over. My friend Stephen and I were tasked with the job of sitting outside, in the wonderful blistering hot July heat, breaking these bricks.

While out doing this Pastor Bagnetto drives up and rolls down his window and says to us the three magical words... "Welcome to Ministry"

It's an interesting phrase. I think a lot of folks don't really understand that ministry really does go beyond the pulpit. Ministry sometimes involves taking care of the day to day stuff. Like mowing the church yard or cleaning up the messes others leave behind.

So next time you find yourself having to throw away the trash that someone else left in the foyer of the church or you end up putting the sanctuary back together after a youth event; take a moment and say to yourself... "Welcome to Ministry"

19 March 2010

Great Night

So tonight was really great. Tonight was our young adult's service. To be honest i almost didn't go. Spent the day filming for different projects and when i finally sat down to eat dinner in a completely exhausted state with my family afterwards my mom asked "so are you going tonight?" That's when it hit me... oh snap... we have young adults in lest then 2 hrs....

But i'm glad i went. Right off the bat God just rocked the world in worship. During it God began to give me a word. He said that his children are bound by small ties. Things that hold their heart to this world. Seemingly small insignificant things but still bondage all the same.

He said they were bound to fleshly things because they were afraid of the unfamiliar, the unknown.

He had given me a vision of a heart suspended in air by a rope. Swinging there. It's a small rope. but still it's holding that heart in place. Suddenly a fire falls from the sky and begins to burn the rope. Finally the fire burns through and the rope and the now inflamed heart begins to fall down this dark tunnel illuminating as it goes.

God began to speak to me and said that if we'd simply let his holy fire burn away and break those ties that we'd finally be free. Sure it's scary going to a place unknown but that if they'd only realized that when they take that freefall they aren't falling into darkness. His burning light will show them where they are going.

So that was cool. then this was cooler...

Pastor Matt gets up and begins to talk about how there are some people who need healing and how they have allowed "strongholds" to come in and it's keeping them from going deeper with God.

Then even cooler...

Pastor Brandon Mitchel (idk if i'm spelling his last name right) gets up and begins to preach about the lame man at the pool of Bethesda. How the man after waiting for 35 years had probably grown to be very comfortable where he was at. Sure he wanted to be healed but he wasn't ready to take on the responsibility that came with that healing.

He couldn't rely on people bring him food. he had to get up and get a job and buy his own food now. It was scary unfamiliar. However with freedom comes blessing. Sure he had to do things wasn't able to do before but he could also go out and be with people. He could go and get married and have children and live a full happy life. But he had to put his trust, his faith, in the healing, then walk in it, and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT. He couldn't hold on to those things from before. Small things that didn't really matter were what kept him in bondage.

Afterwards Pastor Matt got back up and began to pray for people. People who need either Spiritual healing, Physical Healing, or Emotional Healing.

So my encouragement to you today. Let God's holy and purifying fire break those ties that have kept you in bondage. I know you're comfortable in them. But God has Freedom for you and has a plan for you. You just have to let go. Let go and let God.

10 March 2010

Through the Music

Those who know me well know that i really do enjoy music. Take a few minute and scroll through my Zune (cuz itunes aggravates me)and you'll find a vast variety of music.

Quick glance at the genres I have blues, celtic, gospel, goth, hip hop, indie-emo, jazz, jrock, regatone, reggae, and rock(to name a few). And all of it is Christian. While i enjoy the different mainline styles i also rather enjoy worship music. It's great stuff. Misty Edwards, Matt Gillman, Hillsong, etc. all of it great.

However, i'm struggling with Hillsong lately. Right now i'm listening to "This is Our God." with the exception of "Your Name High," "Healer," and With "Everything" I really can't tell when one song ends and the other begins. I don't know if that's due to exceptional musicians who can construct a song list with the right chord progressions so that things are seamless.... or is it because they don't have enough originality to make each song special in of itself.

Don't get me wrong, each song has fantastic lyrics. Lyrics are something that are HIGHLY important to me, however, for me to sit down and enjoy the album all the way through.... gets kind of boring.

Does anyone else have this issue?

Just curious.

by the way the pic at the top came from http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1109745