26 January 2012

A Club of Heroes and Humility

So in 1957 the comic book called “World’s Finest Comics” published an issue called “The Club of Heroes.” The basically what happens in the story (don’t worry no spoilers) is that a wealthy man named John Mayhew stared a club called The club of Heroes. It was something he built in honor of all the great heroes of the world. He then in turn decided to give the deed to the building to one of the heroes.

To decide which hero would receive the deed he declared that which ever hear did the greatest work over the next week would be rewarded the deed. However, during this week Superman keeps mysteriously passing out and a mysterious new hero appears. Hmmm interesting….

Now the ending of this story isn’t the reasoning for my blog but rather what happens in the midst of it. You see all the world’s heroes set out to fight crime as they usually did. However, while doing it they purposefully kept low key so not to draw attention to themselves. Batman thought Superman deserved it, Superman thought Batman deserved it, the Musketeer, Knight & Squire, Gaucho, and Legionary all thought Batman & Superman should get it.

As I read this I thought to myself, “wow, isn’t that how the body of Christ is supposed to be?” I know what you’re thinking, “ummm… D…. those are comic book heroes… “ Yes I know that but that’s not what I mean! Goobers.

Check out this scripture

3 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
~Philippians 2:3-4

So often we see in the body petty bickering and strife that leads to pain and anguish. But that’s not at all what God expects of us. Rather he wants to be like the Club of Heroes, to have such respect for our brothers and sisters that we long to see what’s best for them be done. Wow what an amazing thought, if we all put the effort to help each other and see them grow to their potential then how much would our Lord be glorified? After all it’s all for His glory.

I want to encourage everyone take to heart this simple scripture illustrated through a comic book, lift your brothers and sisters up so that our Lord may be glorified.

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