04 February 2012

The Best Worst Date Ever!

So tonight Celeste and I celebrated one year of dating, and boy was it a disaster! Start off I was trying to figure out what to wear. I wanted to wear this bow tie but I couldn’t find a shirt to wear with it. Below is a pic of what I originally grabbed… I know it’s bad.

Then my sister came home and was like hey wear this straight black shirt. I was like genius… problem was the sleeves were too short like literally barely came below my elbows. So I had to settle with a striped black shirt. Didn't look all that great with my bow tie but hey what the heck.

Then I got in my car and started heading towards Celeste’s house! I was all excited we were planning on going to see the artist and then go out to eat. It was going to be fun and really, really nice. But sadly none of them happened as planned! Just as I’m about a mile from her home my car overheats! Like smoking! I was like, “NOOOOO.”

So I pulled over and called her tell her I need her to come pick me up. She shows up and she looks absolutely stunning. I mean wow. My jaw drops and on the inside my head is screaming, “WHY THE SNAP DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TONIGHT!” so frustrating. As it turns out either my water pump is shot or I have a hose shot. Either way I couldn’t fix it in the dark.

I was so mad, Celeste and I ended up having to change up our entire plans. We missed the movie. Didn’t go out to eat at the restaurant we planned on going to. I was so aggravated. But by the end of the night I realized something… even though tonight didn’t work out at all as we planned, it was still a good night.

Celeste and I ended up going to Olive Garden and just chilled, talked, and laughed. We were calm peaceful, and relaxed. We honestly enjoyed our time there. At one point we were in target looking for coolant for my car and as we walked we made corny Monty Python jokes. By the end of the night we ended up back at my house eating dessert, chilling and laughing with my mom and sister. That was followed by cups of tea and a Rowan Atkinson special.

At one point as we were driving back home “Here Comes the Sun” came on the radio. I felt as if God was saying to me through that song, “Dallas… it’s going to be alright. The Sun is coming soon, so just relax and enjoy the blessings I’ve already given you.”

So while it was one of the worst one year dating anniversary dates, it was pretty darn nice. Why? Because in the end it’s not about how much time you put into making all these plans, the time line of where you’ll be and how you will be doing it. It’s really about if you make the time you spend with the people you love, true quality time. It would had been easy for me to be mad and aggravated the entire time I was with Celeste and my family tonight; but instead we laughed, we talked, we shared. I made the time we had together worth being together.


Thank you for all that you’ve done and will do.


  1. Always glad for those "happy accidents" that you end up laughing about later. Glad ya'll had a good time despite the mishaps. ;-)

    1. we did have a great time my man.

      dude when are you going to be back in this area?
