25 April 2013


Earlier tonight I finished reading a comic I had purchased some time ago but never finished. It was a Superboy Annual from 1994.  This particular year all the Annuals were part of what DC Comics calls Elseworlds. I personally love the Elseworlds series because it does one simple thing. It asks, “what if?” The end result is sometimes awesome, sometimes stupid, but somehow always though provoking. 

In one such Elseworlds book they asked the question, “what if baby superman’s ship was knocked slightly off course and he landed in the out skirts of Gotham City instead Smallville?” In this book the Waynes find this celestial orphan and adopt him thus never having Bruce. End result is instead of Clark becoming Superman, he becomes Batman.

Another series of Elseworlds called “Batman: Brotherhood of the  Bat” and its sequel “Batman: The League of the Batmen” takes a look into the future. Here it asks a few questions, what if Talia & Bruce had a son named Tallant (concept of a son came about in 1987 but the child was unnamed, later in 96 they decided settle with the name Damian). Then they ask what if Talia’s father, Ra’ al Ghul, had killed Bruce and succefully destroyed much of the world and created a league of assassins who wear rejected designs for Batman’s costume. Later in the second book Tallant creates the League of Batmen to combat his grandfather’s evil desire to destroy the world.

Rather intense stuff.  But back to what happened tonight, as I was reading the Superboy comic I begin to think about the fact that one small change in the history of these characters and their lives become dramatically different. A shift in the wind and a  Superman becomes a Batman.  A change of location and a Batman becomes a secret agent.  One simple aspect and the entire world is different for them.

Then I begin to think about how different my life would have been had I not accepted Christ. The path I could had taken had a 14 year old boy not walked to the front of small church in Ash Grove, Missouri and accepted Christ as his Lord & savior… well who knows where I could had ended up. I suppose statistically I could had ended up in a life of drugs and alcoholism. I could had become a womanizer. Today I could be shacked up with some woman with kids by 2 and 3 other women… I could be dead.

So many crazy possibilities had I not done one simple thing. I am so thankful for Christ. I am thankful for the salvation He has given me and the sanctification that the Holy Spirit brings me through. Truly without Him, I’d be lost.  I want to encourage you, take a moment and ponder what your life would be like if you had not truly accepted Christ as your Lord.  I know for me that thought has brought me to thankfulness, how about you?

1 comment:

  1. There is actually a theory in quantum physics called Multiple Universes theory that deals with this exactly. But praise God that, regardless of all the possibilities, this life is the life we live--one where He is King. Good word, bro.
