30 December 2009

Tonight.... was a good night :)

Ok so as many of you know... at least you should if you read my profile to the right...

I am a children's pastor. For a while now i've been frustrated with my Wednesday night program. I try to do more of a small group thing, and well... it's just not working. It's mad frustrating.

But tonight... tonight was good. Why you ask? Because for once my small group night was a small group. I had a grand total of 3 kids that i taught personally and it went GREAT! Hopefully i can get some more help in the kids church so i can break things up. after all 15-20 kids to 1 adult... that's a challenge and not really a small group haha!

But tonight went really well. I had fun with kids. We got through the lesson, we got to talk about how things are in their lives. it was just really groovy. :)

yay happy panda!

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